Sunday 28 April 2013

Technology in the Classroom

Students today are increasingly exposed to technology as a way of learning and communicating.  Schools make use of technology such as computers for researching and writing, Smartboards for teachers to display and interact with information, along with others. However, could we be making more use of digital technology to engage our students (and even our parents)?
Should blogging, instant messaging, and shared document files be a part of daily learning?

Let me know what you think!


capitol said...

totally! it should so be allowed! it means that you can bring in your ipod or ipad to class! even though it means no games.

Anonymous said...

Agree....but also balance with non technology forms of learning

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea because kids nowadays are used to technology in their homes and life around them. Kids will probably get more engaged in learning if they had what's around them today. I can easily say I would use this kind of thing in school. Kids love these kinds of things.

Anonymous said...

its a good idea!!!

Anonymous said...

It should be aloud kids need that vtechnology because thats what we are interested in not school

Anonymous said...

it should be aloud

Anonymous said...

It is a great idea!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i think we should because us studints love electronics

Anonymous said...

There is only one answer that students will say to this question. YES! Why? Because, this is what students are interested in. Technology is a big part of our lives. but, there is also many questions to ask about pros and cons about allowing technology in the classroom community.
Cons, to think about can be... its very unfair to the students whos family cannot afford all the latest technology, such as; I pdos, I phones, I pads, Nanos, all of it. But maybe that is what the family believes, in not having electronics always in your hands. Another thing, PRIVACY. Students may not want their pictures being taken. One click and its out there forever. Kids at a younger age are not yet very responsible and who knows what they will do with pictures of their friends. Facebook, Instagram, twitter, anything you say or post, cant be taken off, even if it shows that it's off, its still there. Having tecnology in the classroom may distract the learning of studnets as they are too founcoused on their phones to understand whats going on at school.
Pro's to think about, technology in the classroom communtiy might get students mnore engaged in class. Teachers can give reminders to students over instant messaging, about home projects, home assignments, and even reminders about when projects are due to class. though, students might depend on the teachers for reminders, as, if you are old enough to have phones and ipods, you should be old enough to be a self directed learner and to have your own assignments in class on time. Students cannot depend on others to get things done.
so, yes their is many things technology and electronics can do for the classrooms communities.i say we should give it a try, if it works great! If not, then back to the way it was before.